As a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit, Dream Camp Foundation relies on incredible donors like you to fund our work. Donations of time, energy, skills or money make the work we do possible. It opens up so many doors and minds for the at-risk youth we work with. Our program is designed so that we utilize our donor funds in the most effective ways possible, creating long-term impact on our participants and their communities.
We understand that not everyone has the money to contribute ... that's why we have made it easy for anyone who wants to help Dream Camp Foundation empower at-risk kids to improve their lives and outlook, through a number of monetary and non-monetary means.
We are a completely volunteer, grass roots organization. No one gets paid a salary and no camper pays a cent to participate in any of our programs. 100 percent of your donation goes to support our activity and is fully tax-deductible (please consult your tax-adviser).
As the Executive Director, Joe Patane draws on his years of business experience to ensure that every dollar invested into the foundation is used in a way that maximizes its benefit. He does not appreciate the huge overheads and inefficient management of donor funds in many larger social support charities out there. This was a key motivation in starting Dream Camp Foundation. You can be confident that your gift will directly impact a positive activity in a youth’s life.
We have been fortunate to have an abundance of volunteers from all walks of life staffing our programs and camps. If you’d like to get involved or have skills that you think could be of use to our programs, do not hesitate to contact us via email or our social media links here on this website. We try to provide our youth with a network of support after our programs’ completion, so if you want to be a champion for kids in your area and have industry or life skills to contribute as a mentor, potential employer, etc., we would love to hear from you, so shoot us an email at or give us a call at the # below.